A Brief History of the Chicago Marthoma Church

The Marthoma Church has been a part of India for thousands of years. It was founded by St. Thomas at 52 Ad at 7 locations throughout what will later become Kerala.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Falun Gong: Religious Persecution in China

History of Falun Gong At the height of the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong had it banned due to its links to ancient Chinese religion, but the ban was removed when a lab claimed to have found qigong energy (life energy). In the 1970s, the Chinese government began promoting qigong, a series of exercises designed to improve physical and spiritual health, to promote...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Beliefs and Symbols of the Marthoma Church

The Marthoma Church was created 2000 years ago in the Indian province that would later be known as Kerala. The Church’s proximity to Hinduism and relative isolation from other Christian denominations in its infancy played a major role in shaping its beliefs. The later influence of both Catholics and Protestants helped shape the symbols and even the logo of the Marthoma Church....

A Brief History of the Marthoma Church

Church Origins Tradition dictates that in 52 AD, St. Thomas arrived on a trading vessel from Alexandria to Kodungallur, which was an early haven for Jews of the diaspora. He first went to the Jews of Kerala and then to the Gentiles. He had erected seven churches in the following locations: Kodungallur Chavakad (Palur) Parur near Alwaye Gakamangalam Niranam Nilakkal...

The Effects of Debt

Introduction Due to the growing weakness in the global economy, people are looking to pay off the massive credit card balances they have accrued throughout the holiday season. Household debt has reached a record high of $13.68 trillion as of Q2 2019, $9.4 trillion of which is mortgage debt. This has exceeded levels not seen since 2008. The U.S Federal debt is approximately...
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