A Brief History of the Chicago Marthoma Church
The Marthoma Church has been a part of India for thousands of years. It was founded by St. Thomas at 52 Ad at 7 locations throughout what will later become Kerala.
Beliefs and Symbols of the Marthoma Church
The symbols of the Marthoma Church have links to both the Christian heritage and the Hindu heritage of the Marthoma Church and Kerala
Falun Gong: Religious Persecution of China
Since the late 1990s, Falun Gong/Falun Dafa has been persecuted by the Chinese government. Practitioners have been used in illegal organ donations and have even been tortured.
The Effects of Debt
Debt levels have been steadily increasing since 2008. The effects of massive levels of debt will adversely effect the global economy and the psycological wellbeing of the populace
Sonny: Mobile Game Review
This game is a renewal of the Sonny games on Armorgames.com. The game rehashes the story of Sonny and adds new characters to the mix.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Falun Gong: Religious Persecution in China

Wednesday, March 13, 2019
The Beliefs and Symbols of the Marthoma Church

A Brief History of the Marthoma Church

The Effects of Debt